If you need to reach a physician during non-business hours, please review the following for your scenario and follow those instructions.
This is only for EMERGENCIES. If you need a medication refill or are requesting a medication, please call the office during normal business hours as medication refills or requests for medications will not be taken on this emergency line.
If you are calling with a non-emergent question Monday through Friday over the 12:00-1:00 lunch hour or prior to office opening for the morning, please call the office when it has reopened.
If you are calling for a non-emergent question after office hours, please call the office on the next normal business day. If you need to cancel an appointment, please call 330-956-5300 and press 8.
If you are pregnant or non-pregnant and believe you have a yeast infection (discharge with itching and/or burning), please get over the counter Monistat and call the office during normal business hours if your symptoms do not resolve after 48 hours of using the Monistat.
If you are breastfeeding and believe you have mastitis because you have breast redness, painful lump, and fever, please call 330-956-5300 and listen to the message to be connected to the physician on call.
If you are a gynecologic patient and experiencing heavy vaginal bleeding which requires you to change a pad every hour for 3-4 hours in a row OR you are becoming dizzy or lightheaded because of the heaviness or duration of the bleeding, please report to the nearest emergency room.
If you are a gynecologic patient and having severe pelvic pain, please report to the emergency room.
If you are pregnant, please refer to the document “Pregnancy After Hours FAQ” in the section titled forms on our website www.gwhobgyn.com for further instructions. If after reviewing the FAQ, you are instructed to call back, please call 330-956-5300 and listen to the message to be connected to the physician on call.